(特價)FIA ACCA考試用書:F6 Taxation (UK) Studytext F6 稅務(英國版)課本 ..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
英國BPP出版有限公司 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560976389
- 出版日期:2012-1-1
Introduction Helping you to pass - the ONLY F6 Study Text reviewed by the examiner! Studying F6 The exam paper Part A UK tax system 1 Introduction to the UK tax system Part B Income tax and national iurance contributio 2 The computation of taxable income and the income tax liability 3 Employment income 4 Taxable and exempt benefits. The PAYE system 5 Peio 6 Property income 7 Computing trading income 8 Capital allowances 9 Assessable trading income 10 Trading losses 11 Partnehips and limited liability partnehips 12 National iurance contributio Part C Chargeable gai for individuals 13 Computing chargeable gai 14 Chattels and the principal private residence exemption 15 Business reliefs 16 Shares and securities Part D Tax administration for individuals 17 Self assessment and payment of tax by individuals Part E Inheritance tax 18 Inheritance tax: scope and trafe of value Part F Corporation tax 19 Computing taxable total profits 20 Computing the corporation tax liability 21 Chargeable gai for companies 22 Losses 23 Groups 24 Oveeas matte for companies 25 Self assessment and payment of tax by companies Part G Value added tax 26 An introduction to VAT 27 Further aspects of VAT Exam question bank Exam awer bank Index Review form