- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(英)金 主編,張斌賢 等譯
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787562138396
- 出版日期:2011-4-1
非洲:傳統的學徒制(Africa:Traditional Apprenticeship)
中華人民共和國:職業化教育(China,People's Republic of:Vocationalizing Education)
拉美:國家培訓機構(Latin America:National Training Agencies)
蘇聯:職業教育和培訓(Soviet Union:Vocational Education and Training)
技術教育和職業培訓:東非和南非(Technical and Vocational Education and
Training:Eastern and Southern Africa)
美國:聯邦職業教育政策(United States:Federal Vocational Eduction Policy)
職業教育和培訓:東歐和中歐(Vocational Education and Training:Eastern and Central
德國的職業教育和培訓:國家和國際維度(Vocational Education and Training in
Germany:National and International Dimeio)
職業教育和培訓:西歐(Vocational Education and Tiaining:Western Europe)
職業培訓的創新:英國(Vocational Training Initiatives:United Kingdom)
歐洲共同體:職業培訓資格(European community:Vocational Training Qualificatio)
國際勞工組織(ILO):職業培訓[International Labour Organization(ILO):Vocational
職業教育和培訓的規劃(Planning for Vocational Education and Training)
職業教育和培訓的質量保證(Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and
職業技術學科的教師培訓(Teacher Training for Vocational Technical Subjects)
職業教育與培訓和宏觀經濟環境(Vocational Education and Training and the
Macroeeonomic Environment)
職業教育和培訓:發展中國家成本效益的提高(Vocational Education and Training:Improving
Costeffectiveness in Developing Natio)
職業教育和培訓的國際援助(Vocational Education and Training,International
Assistance for)
教育與生產勞動(Education and Productive Work)
企業教育:小型企業的培訓(Enterprise Education:Small Business Training)
非正規部門的職業教育和培訓(Informal Sector:Vocational Education and Training)
職業教育和培訓中的模塊化(Modularization in Vocational Eduction and Training)
非政府組織(拉美):對弱勢群體的培訓[Nongovernmental Organizatio(Latin
America):Training for Disadvantaged Groups]
非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地區的小學農業(Primary School Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa)
教育和培訓的融合(Training and Education,Convergence between)
職業教育論:理論假設(Vocationalism:Theoretical Assumptio)
學徒制的歷史及其發展(Apprenticeship,History and Development of)
技術人員培訓(Technician Training)
職業教育和培訓:盎格魯-德國的比較(Vocational Education and Training:Anglo-German
職業培訓模式:瑞典、德國和日本(Vocational Training Modes:Sweden,Germany,and Japan)
《職業技術教育》是由英國愛丁堡大學的肯尼斯·金(Kenneth King)負責編輯的。這部分的詞條覆蓋了技術和職業技能培訓的三個場所:正式的學校教育;獨立的培訓機構(往往由勞動部而不是教育部負責管理);工業界和商業界內部進行的培訓,這包括發展中國家的小型企業、農場和工廠的生產小組以及德國或其他國家的著名的“二元體系”。 “理論”知識和“職業”知識之間的關系是極端復雜的,而關涉它們之間的關系的國家政策,則是與諸如是否能夠獲得進一步的教育、工作前培訓以及(對許多國家來說)受教育者的失業情況所造成的威脅等等問題緊密聯系在一起的。
·工業化國家與發展中國家的視角 非洲:傳統的學徒制(Africa:Traditional Apprenticeship) 中華人民共和國:職業化教育(China,People's Republic of:Vocationalizing Education) 拉美:國家培訓機構(Latin America:National Training Agencies) 蘇聯:職業教育和培訓(Soviet Union:Vocational Education and Training) 技術教育和職業培訓:東非和南非(Technical and Vocational Education and Training:Eastern and Southern Africa) 美國:聯邦職業教育政策(United States:Federal Vocational Eduction Policy) 職業教育和培訓:東歐和中歐(Vocational Education and Training:Eastern and Central Europe) 德國的職業教育和培訓:國家和國際維度(Vocational Education and Training in Germany:National and International Dimeio) 職業教育和培訓:西歐(Vocational Education and Tiaining:Western Europe) 職業培訓的創新:英國(Vocational Training Initiatives:United Kingdom) ·供給、組織和財政 歐洲共同體:職業培訓資格(European community:Vocational Training Qualificatio) 國際勞工組織(ILO):職業培訓[International Labour Organization(ILO):Vocational Training] 職業教育和培訓的規劃(Planning for Vocational Education and Training) 職業教育和培訓的質量保證(Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training) 職業技術學科的教師培訓(Teacher Training for Vocational Technical Subjects) 職業教育與培訓和宏觀經濟環境(Vocational Education and Training and the Macroeeonomic Environment) 職業教育和培訓:發展中國家成本效益的提高(Vocational Education and Training:Improving Costeffectiveness in Developing Natio) 職業教育和培訓的國際援助(Vocational Education and Training,International Assistance for) 教育與生產勞動(Education and Productive Work) 企業教育:小型企業的培訓(Enterprise Education:Small Business Training) 非正規部門的職業教育和培訓(Informal Sector:Vocational Education and Training) 職業教育和培訓中的模塊化(Modularization in Vocational Eduction and Training) 非政府組織(拉美):對弱勢群體的培訓[Nongovernmental Organizatio(Latin America):Training for Disadvantaged Groups] 非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地區的小學農業(Primary School Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa) ·理論與概念問題 教育和培訓的融合(Training and Education,Convergence between) 職業教育論:理論假設(Vocationalism:Theoretical Assumptio) ·培訓的歷史傳統 學徒制的歷史及其發展(Apprenticeship,History and Development of) 技術人員培訓(Technician Training) 職業教育和培訓:盎格魯-德國的比較(Vocational Education and Training:Anglo-German Compariso) 職業培訓模式:瑞典、德國和日本(Vocational Training Modes:Sweden,Germany,and Japan)
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