- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
孟繁錫 等主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787811178968
- 出版日期:2009-10-1
With the purpose of providing a platform for all our partners engaged in the GU and GPE projects to more fully present and share our thoughts and opinions, CAU called for papers for the conference. It was exciting to see that so many GPE colleagues submitted their papers of high academic quality, some of whom even just wished to do what they could to be contributive to the conference although they was not able to come because of the financial crisis. At the conference, we also had the great opportunity to have the professors and technicians from different universities present their papers and reports in person to all the attendees. Now CAU would like to present the papers in the proceedings to all colleagues and I am sure that the publication of the first GPE proceedings will be of great benefit to us all.
Intercultural Interaction and EFL Learners' Socio-Cultural Competence Development: The Case of English Language Students from Tlemcen University of Algeria and East Carolina University Students
Attitude Change after Taking the Global Understanding Course--Paper Presented at the 2nd Annual GPE Conference
From Interpersonal International Communication--To Global Understanding
Enlightenment from the Positive Analysis on the Market Performance of China Distance Education Holdings Ltd. in NASDAQ
Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment and Online Education:An Emerging Branding Paradigm for Higher Educational System
Mastering the Master Schedule
The Teleimagery Module--Important Part of the Informational Medical System in the Process of Reformation of the Health Care System
ESP and the Development of ESP as a Discipline
Narrowing the Gap between Expectations and Reality with Collective Reflections
Thinking Globally and Utilizing the Perceptual Lens:Experiences of an African American Instructor and Chinese Student in a Global Educational Program
Discussion of the Harvest, the Problems and the Prospect of Global Understanding Course
How to Effectively Use Video in a Language Classroom--A Teachers'Workshop
Technology Use in E. F. L. Teaching and Learning
Factors of Motivation in Language Learning
A Proposal for Intercultural Management Course for Students of International Business
A Discussion of After-School Discussion Pattern for Global Understanding
Factors of Language Popularity--What Chinese Language Should Learn from English Language to Become More Popular in the World
Shanzhai Green is People--Investigating How E-learning Frameworks Could Facilitate Sustainable Development in Rural China
Spoken English Class Design from a Discourse Approach
From SLA to FLT--How the Study of SLA Can Influence the Classroom Practice of Foreign Language Teachers
Business TiP:An Innovative Pedagogy for Enhancing the Undergraduate Employability
E-learning:Drivers of Acceptance and Satisfaction
The Importance of E-learning as an Innovation
From Grammar-oriented to Communicative-oriented--A Typical Practical Lecture of English Education
English as the Language of Chinese Academic Community
The Global Classroom: Theatre, Stories, Children and Culture
Who Propels the Broadcasting? --For Understanding the Dynamic Forces of the Broadcasting Industry
Europe' s Bologna Process and the Response of Asia-Pacific
International Videoconferencing for Public Health Education:Linking the U. S. and Germany
Maritime State University:Involvement into GPE Project
From Russia with Love
Virtual International Studies--Opportunities for Success
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