The Professor, Tutor of PhD, Department of Philosophy and Religion, at Renmin University of China
The Researcher of Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory, Renmin University of China, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in ministry of education
Council Member of Religion Academy of China
The Deputy Director, The Research Institute Of The Buddhism Culture Of Beijing
Major Publications in Chinese:
Ⅰ. Books
1.The life of Monk and nun,
2. Kwan-yin Bodhisattva
3. A Commentary and Translation of Vinaya of the Four Categories
4. Biography of Master Duti Jianyue
5. Biography of Master Huineng
6. the Pure Land School and Xuan-zhong Temple in Shan xi.
7. the elementary research of Zenist ethnics
Co-Writer for 12 Books:
The Origin and Development of Zen Buddhism’s Schools.
Grand Sight of Chinese Buddhism Culture
Ⅱ.thesis (over 120)
1. the Study on Zen Buddhism’s Ethic Thought
2. Buddha’s Original Idea on the Setted Precepts and the Future of Buddhist Doctrine
Research Projects in Recent Years:
1.The Host of The Study Project on the Vinaya School of Chinese Buddhism.(KRI ProjectⅠ)
2.The Host of The Study on the System of Chinese Buddhism (Project Cooperated with Hong Kong and Taiwan )